Welcome to Yoken Bar Yoken Foundation

This site provides you with relevant information regarding the founder Yakup Akcan, the objectives of the foundation Yoken Bar Yoken, and the organisational structure of the foundation.

Under the tag "Guidelines" you can find the criteria for applications.

The foundation was established by Mr. Yakup Akcan a short time before he passed away. In order for the foundation to fulfill its objectives, the support of the community is necessary. The founder established the basis by providing initial financial aid. The idea of the founder was that the means of the foundation will grow and herew ith many students can be helped in the following time. Therefore the founder did the first step. The development of the foundation surely depends on the financial resources as well as on the support of all of us.

Therefore we appeal to everybody, to help us for this noble aim - financially in form of a donation, because the help of each and everyone is very important.

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  ©2004  YBY Foundation    Postfach 30 04 06    41194 Mönchengladbach    Germany
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